"Skim over the existing hot political air". Innovation is the life blood of every nation. We encourage an idea exchange on any topics that is break through technology-simple or complex.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Doctor access through technology
Sieg Holle BS MBA
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Fwd: MotherEarthNews.com: 10 Easy Ways to Save on Energy at Home
Mother Earth News
It's easy to save on energy, and thus save money, at home. From using ceiling fans to adding power strips to finding creative new uses for bubble wrap, there are a variety of easy and proven ways to lower energy bills, and several can be done over a weekend or in even less time. These 10 ideas will set you on the road to home energy savings.
backtoeden.ontario@gmail.com wrote:
good article
Sieg Holle BS MBA
Monday, October 22, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
productivity gap cdn
Canada's productivity performance lags behind the U.S. in virtually every instance, regardless of company size, sector, business type or location, notes the report titled The Future of Productivity: Clear choices for a competitive Canada. Productivity is cited as the amount of value (as measured in contribution to GDP) produced per hour worked. A Canadian worker generates $13 less per hour than a U.S. worker, $2 less than an Australian worker and $29 less than a Norwegian worker.
Sieg Holle BS MBA
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Fwd: EU prepares to limit production of crop-based biofuels – want to know more?
From: Peter Patterson <tracy@horseshoemedia.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 2:45 AM
Subject: EU prepares to limit production of crop-based biofuels – want to know more?
To: respondfeedbacknow@yahoo.ca
If your email client cannot read this email please click here to view it online
| ||
Sieg Holle BS MBA
Monday, September 10, 2012
Monday, September 03, 2012
What about fluoride?
A dangerous product ?
Sieg Holle BS MBA
Sunday, September 02, 2012
do you really want a smart pill?
Smart pills really..... for free by big pharma...scary big brother strategy
to kill your free will
Sieg Holle BS MBA
YouTube - Videos from this email
Smart pills really..... for free by big pharma...scary big brother strategy
to kill your free will
Sieg Holle BS MBA
YouTube - Videos from this email
Sieg Holle BS MBA
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Agent orange in the food we eat -and this is a breakthrough?
Thursday, August 09, 2012
In Memory to Roy
Subject: In memory of Roy McCullough
What a great idea killed by the flat flat earth warriors of fear and terrorism . it is time to revisit this and create human abundance because we can .In memory of our pioneer Roy who has recently passed away . |
From Evernote: |
In memory of Roy McCullogh |

the ground effect
540 tons in the air at 450 miles per hour- the Caspian sea monster
(more efficient then planes-or ships )
ships that could fly over bridges
died 1980
a free but stubborn thinker in a closed society alex pioneer in
hydrofoils -1950
Sieg Holle BS MBA
Friday, July 13, 2012
Some interesting energy tips to reduce your bill
Sieg Holle BS MBA
Sunday, July 08, 2012
cold fusion - reality or myth to the energy revolution -fire from water
Fwd: haarp tesla-Food for thought
From Evernote: |
haarp teslaClipped from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9uwmBGrrVE&feature=autoplay&list=ELHBijOC70VvE&playnext=4 |
Examines the controversial military program based on Tesla technology - its' possible effects on weather and use in mind control. Based on advances in technology created by Nikola Tesla over a century ago, HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project - is a controversial high frequency radio transmitter operated by the US military beaming high level energy into the Earth's upper atmosphere. Ostensibly for ionospheric research, HAARP also locates hidden oil reserves and missile silos around the world. However, critics of HAARP say this technology could blow a massive hole in the upper atmosphere as well as disrupt the subtle magnetic energies of all life on Earth
On the positive side - non military maybes- can we not harness this for the good ? make good weather not bad
- universal free energy - take out the energy cartels
- positive healing
- create abundance from scarcity
- knocking out the economic parasites ie ..5 trillion dollars legal big pharma drug cartel
Sieg Holle BS MBA
Friday, July 06, 2012
Monday, July 02, 2012
Re: Good buy "Yellow Brick Road"
GM Failures Continue
The GM industry has been ailing at least as far back as 2005, but kept alive by an aggressive campaign of disinformation. GM Watch (www.gmwatch.org) brings you the latest GM failures 2007-2008
Watch alert -Keep your Eyes wide open on this topic
Knowledge is power but wisdom is greater and yet to be determined on this topic
Thursday, June 21, 2012
More Sites Offer Free Money From the Public
More Sites Offer Free Money From the Public
Chris Durst and Michael Haaren
Just when you thought the Web couldn't bring you any more surprises,here comes another. More and more sites are enabling individuals toget "free money" from the public, for a growing variety of needs.
Here's the backstory.
In the 1990s, AOL famously tried to bring the Internet inside itsgated community, to make AOL synonymous with "being online." And italmost worked. As the company flooded the public with CDs offeringfree hours of online access, millions signed up. Thus, "the crowd"began to migrate online, and equally important, to hang out there.
We slowly began to feel that the online world was real. Experts beganto wonder if the "World Wide Web" might actually have commercialpotential. Would people trust it enough to buy things there?
Fast forward to now. "Internet users" is an obsolete phrase, becausenow it simply means everybody. And for millions, the online world hasreplaced "meatspace" as the dominant reality. (Just look at sites likeSecondLife.com, or massively popular online games.) And almost everytransaction that occurs offline can occur online -- including givingstrangers money.
WHERE TO GET THE DOUGH http://www.ratracerebellion.com/
Crowdfunding means getting money from the public in the form of adonation or with the passing of new laws, an investment. But todaywe're talking about donations. Here are three websites where you canget donations for everything from medical expenses to your new movie.
-- Indiegogo.com: "People all over the world use our industry-leadingplatform to raise millions of dollars for all types of campaigns," thesite says. "No matter what you are raising money for, you can startright now with no fee or application process."
As we write, requests include a young man who needs money to study inJapan (he's raised $4,417); a cancer victim who needs medical expenses(he's raised $11,762); and a singer's first solo album (she's raised$2,341).
Like other crowdfunding sites, Indiegogo subtracts a commission basedon the amount the campaign receives.
-- Crowdtilt.com: Crowdtilt calls itself a "groupfunding" site andlets you pitch your project to a group of friends. To help accomplishthis, it requires you to connect your campaign to your Facebook page.Campaign examples include wedding presents, an alumni tailgate fundand a Phish party bus going to Washington, D.C.
-- Kickstarter.com: Kickstarter specializes in the funding of creativeprojects. But these are defined fairly broadly and include clothinglines, dance, books, albums, entertainment films, documentaries,photography collections, etc.
Most Kickstarter projects are funded for less than $5,000, but somehave been funded in the millions.
Christine Durst and Michael Haaren are leaders in the work-at-homemovement and advocates of de-rat-raced living. Their latest book is"Work at Home Now," a guide to finding home-based jobs. They offeradditional guidance on finding home-based work atwww.RatRaceRebellion.com. To read features by other Creators Syndicatewriters and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page atwww.creators.com.
Sieg Holle BS MBA
In memory of Roy McCullough and other great pioneers in transportation

Sieg Holle BS MBA
Thursday, June 07, 2012
Interesting transportation solutions
In honour of those pioneers that think outside the box RoyEranoplan
Is this a secret military weapon which should be harnessed for peace in the future?
Clipped from: http://www.attk.ru/Eng/history/history.htm
another link
The factory
Artic Trade and transportation Company
From a history of high-speed shipbuilding*
Development of shipbuilding in XIX and XX centuries is tightly linked to the solution of the sharpest problem of ships movement speed increasing. The service speeds of displacement ships limited by the wave resistance makes 20-25 km/h for river and 40-50 km/h for marine vessels. Reserves for increase of displacement ships speeds, due to perfecting the sizes and hulls forms, raises of an engine power and efficiency of propulsion device (a rowing wheel, the screw, etc.), turned out are practically exhausted to the beginning of XX century already. The designers of high-speed ships had addressed to an idea of raising a ship's hull from water to the moment of wavemaking speed achievement, with the aim to overcome the intensively growing water drag.
Gliding craft
At the end of XIX century the prototypes of gliding craft are appears. Its structure allowed decreasing resistance to movement due to usage of hydrodynamic forces at keeping of a vessel's hull contact with a water surface. The gliding has allowed creating high-speed sports craft with speeds over 500 km / hour. However to solve satisfactorily the seaworthiness questions on the basis of this principle of movement it was not possible. Therefore the gliding craft have propagation only as sports craft of various types and military torpedo boats. An example of planning craft usage as passenger craft is the Soviet seagoing catamaran "Express" having weight 42 tones, passenger capacity 130 persons and a speed over 80 km / hour. The planning catamaran "Express" was operated in the Black sea on a Sochi - Sukhumi line in 1940.
The first patent for hydrofoil known to us is the patent of the Frenchman, the Russian citizen, Charles de Lambert which has registered it 1881 in France. And though on hydrofoil vessel built by him it was not possible to reach movement on foils, the fact of creation of the first hydrofoil has been registered.
The further history of creation and development of hydrofoils is linked to names of outstanding designers and engineers of different countries. The main tasks which were necessary to solve on a way of creation of hydrofoils consist in a choice of quantity of foils, their geometry and the location concerning a hull of a craft. On these three basic parameters it is possible to classify all variety of types both hydrofoils and the schemes of foils.
For the first time to realize movement of hydrofoils practically was succeed to Italian air engineer E. Forlanini in 1905. The Italian aviators A.Crocco and Ricaldoni in 1906 managed to create hydrofoil on V-shaped underwater foils crossing a water surface, having decided the major problem question of stabilization of hydrofoils in a vertical plane with an alteration of speed.
The Mitchem brothers (USA) in the same years in the project of a flying boat have offered a way for control of foils angle of attack and, consequently, of a lift force with the help of the special kinematical device, that has served as a prototype for later development an automatically controlled foils (50th years, K.Guk).
In 1919 A.Bell and K.Baldwin (Canada) have constructed a hydrofoil having applied a combination of "bookshelf's" allocation with the V-shaped wings offered by Guidony. This craft equipped with two aero-engines of 260 kw power everyone, working on an air screws, had reached a speed over 60 knots at movement on foils.
Hans von Shertel - known German air engineer has achieved the big success in creation of hydrofoils in 30th years. He managed to develop basic configuration of a craft on V-shaped foils crossing a water surface, in which the first foil is located in a bow and the second - in an aft of a craft, having decided thus practically all problem questions of hydrofoil's movement. In the same period various configurations of hydrofoils have been offered by Titiens (Austria), Grunberg (France), Almkwist and Alkstrom (Sweden). They have not received operational use.
The first attempts of hydrofoils creation in the USSR are related to the beginning of 30th. Their authors are scientists of TSAGI V.G.Frolov and A.N.Vladimirov during 1933 - 1937 have conducted experimental researches of foils in towing tank. In 1934 they have developed configuration of a vessel on two foils and have constructed its self-propelled model of the EGO-1 in weight of 300 kg. By means of the engine of 10 kw the model has reached a speed of 32 km / hour. But it was not possible to reach the course stability of the model. During same time by the known Soviet scientists - M.V.Keldysh, N.E.Kochin, M.A.Lavrentjev, L.I.Sedov and L.N.Sretensky had been carried out the fundamental analytical investigations of the foils hydrodynamics, which allowed to explain the gear and law of origin and change of a lift force of foil close to a water surface.
In 1941 at a "Krasnoe Sormovo" shipyard has started the works on hydrofoils creation the graduate of shipbuilding faculty of Gorkovsky's Industrial Institute Rostislav Evgenjevich Alexeyev. A theme of his degree work the torpedo hydrofoil and its passenger variant were. Keen with an idea of hydrofoils creation Alexeyev at support of administration has unwrapped an active research and design activity on realization of the degree work developments and the ideas linked to creation of hydrofoils. By the results of works during which have been created modern experimental base of high-speed hydrodynamics, are built and tested numerous non-propelled and self-propelled models of hydrofoils with various structures of foils, R.E.Alexeyev in 1944-1945 has offered outstanding idea of usage in hydrofoils of slightly submerged underwater foils (an immersion depth of 15-30 % of a foil chord), which received the status of invention.
For the first time this invention has been practically realized by Alexeyev in 1947 when under his design the " Krasnoe Sormovo" shipyard has put on the foils the serial Soviet planing torpedo-boat ТКА 123-bis. In the conclusion of a state commission on accepting this boat with underwater foils it is noted, that "for the first time in the Soviet Union completely new type of a fighting torpedo boat - a boat on the underwater foils, which exceeds its variant without foils with respect to speed on 10 (!) knots (from 90 up to 110 km/h) and with respect to seaworthiness on 2 (!) Beaufort numbers (from 3 up to 5 numbers)" is created.
In 1951 for this outstanding achievement R.E.Alekseyev and the leading experts of his design's collective - N.A.Zajtsev, I.I.Erlykin, L.S.Popov - have been awarded by the Stalin's premium.
In 1949 under the R.E.Alekseyev's management was developed the project of the first river passenger hydrofoil on slightly submerged foils on 60 persons with speed of 70 km/h. However by the regime's reasons the sanction to its creation Alexeyev has received only in 1956.
In a parallel way with R.E.Alekseyev in the post-war period in 1953 in Switzerland (firm "Supramar") under the direction of Hans Fon Shertel have been created the first passenger hydrofoil of lake type RT-10 and in 1955 - hydrofoil of marine type for coasting operation RT-20. Both these hydrofoils have quickly won popularity and many years were successfully operated on passenger lines of Italy, Japan, Holland, Norway.
In 1956, i.e. seven years later of the first hydrofoil's project development, the R.E.Alekseyev has received the sanction and has developed the second project of the river passenger craft on the slightly submerged foils, called "Raketa", on 66 passengers with speed of 65 km/h. It has been built and entered in operation in 1957. Since that time the era of the national hydrofoils originates, the most known of which are: motorship "Raketa" (1957), a boat "Volga" (1958, 5 seats, speed of 60 km/h), motorships " Meteor " (1958, 128 seats, 65 km/h), "Kometa" (1959, 118 seats, 65 km/h), " Belarus" (1962, 40 seats, 55 km/h), "Kolhida" (1970, 120 seats, 60 km/h), " Voshod " (1970 г, 60 seats, 60 km/h).
Hydrofoil "Raketa" Hydrofoil "Meteor" Hydrofoil "Kometa"
Monday, May 28, 2012
Interesting energy solutions
No Body Of Men Has The Right To Deny The Technological Evolution Of Mankind...
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Murphy law So how did Murphy's law come about?
So how did Murphy's law come about?
According to George Nichols, another engineer who was present, Murphy,in frustration, blamed the failure on his assistant, saying, "If thatguy has any way of making a mistake, he will." Nichols' account isthat "Murphy's law" came about through conversation among the othermembers of the team. It was condensed to "If it can happen, it willhappen," and named for Murphy in mockery of what Nichols perceived asarrogance on Murphy's part. Others, including Edward Murphy'ssurviving son Robert Murphy, deny Nichols' account, and claim that hisfather's statement was along the lines of "If there's more than oneway to do a job, and one of those ways will result in disaster, thensomebody will do it that way."
Where was Murphy when he formulated his law?
Accounts differ as to the precise origin of Murphy's law. What's knownis that from 1947 to 1949, a project known as MX981 took place on whatis now Edwards Air Force Base to test human tolerance for g-forcesduring rapid deceleration. The tests used a rocket sled mounted on arailroad track with a series of hydraulic brakes at the end.
How did the law become so well known?
The phrase first received public attention during a press conferencein which Stapp was asked how it was that nobody had been severelyinjured during the rocket sled tests. Stapp replied that it wasbecause they took Murphy's Law under consideration. He then summarizedthe law and said that in general, it meant that it was important toconsider all the possibilities before doing a test.
How long did it take for it to catch on?
It took fifteen years for the bikini to be accepted in the UnitedStates. In 1951 bikinis were banned from the Miss World Contest. In1957, however, Brigitte Bardot's bikini in And God Created Womancreated a market for the swimwear in the US, and in 1960, BrianHyland's pop song "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini"inspired a bikini-buying spree. Finally the bikini caught on, and by1963, the movie Beach Party, starring Annette Funicello and FrankieAvalon, led a wave of films that made the bikini a pop-culture symbol.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Hovercraft are a major solution to transportation challenges
- high priced fuel monopoly -with no end to the gouging and greed
- build it yourself or buy it with minimal government licensing and interference involved
- fly up or down rivers -ice or water
- no wheels year round vehicle - ice trucking high priced planes beware of a better alternative
- design build for your reguirements
Want to be part of the solution not the whin and problem? Be part of a real hands on not talk team..
Contact us at the creative healing circle backtoeden.ontario@gmail.com