Sieg Holle BS MBA
"Skim over the existing hot political air". Innovation is the life blood of every nation. We encourage an idea exchange on any topics that is break through technology-simple or complex.
From Evernote: |
haarp teslaClipped from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9uwmBGrrVE&feature=autoplay&list=ELHBijOC70VvE&playnext=4 |
Examines the controversial military program based on Tesla technology - its' possible effects on weather and use in mind control. Based on advances in technology created by Nikola Tesla over a century ago, HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project - is a controversial high frequency radio transmitter operated by the US military beaming high level energy into the Earth's upper atmosphere. Ostensibly for ionospheric research, HAARP also locates hidden oil reserves and missile silos around the world. However, critics of HAARP say this technology could blow a massive hole in the upper atmosphere as well as disrupt the subtle magnetic energies of all life on Earth
On the positive side - non military maybes- can we not harness this for the good ? make good weather not bad
The GM industry has been ailing at least as far back as 2005, but kept alive by an aggressive campaign of disinformation. GM Watch (www.gmwatch.org) brings you the latest GM failures 2007-2008