"Skim over the existing hot political air". Innovation is the life blood of every nation. We encourage an idea exchange on any topics that is break through technology-simple or complex.
Open source technology confounds the restriction ability making gatekeepers ,enhances free will and initiative
The time has come to regain our personal choice though free will and not restrictive force. You can see how this is very threatening to those that .create fear and limitations through force that do not permit individual free choice .It is a terror to them. Let this type of " intellectual terrorism reign. Lets become liberated human beings with freedom of choice again .
Sentence passed on Absolute Fuels fraudster 4 April 2013
Full details of the sentence received by Jeffrey Gunselman, the man behind over $40 million (€31.2 million) worth of RIN fraud, have been revealed.
The West Texas native has been sentenced to at least 15 years in prison and ordered to pay out $55 million in restitution by a federal judge.
In a story followed by Biofuels International, Gunselman started a bogus biodiesel company named Absolute Fuels in 2010 and told RIN purchasers to wire monies to his bank account – however he did not have a production facility and he falsely created federal renewable fuels credits until his racket was discovered last year.
Gunselman pleaded guilty last December to 51 counts of wire fraud, 24 counts of money laundering and violation of the federal Clean Air Act.
It has been reported that Gunselman, with his ill gotten gains, purchased a $2.65 million house, several top level cars, a $1.6 million jet and a military tank.
This is an excellent food for thought article on the future of energy distribution .
It is also a warning that those in the comfortable pew -who are complacent and arrogant in their past power dominance and authority will face disruption from their past "cushy cosy "triangle" monopolistic " practices . The customer becomes stronger with real choices and will abandon those that profiteer and fee them into other lower cost alternatives .
I found this to be true . Just look at your bill over 50% of the charges have nothing to do with the raw energy cost. The law of supply and demand will force people out of the sweet utility spot .
Microorganisms are multitalented. The same kinds of bacteria used in wastewater treatment plants can also generate small amounts of electricity. But these two abilities have rarely been combined so cleverly.
In the United States, renewable energy sources could supply 80 percent of electricity demand in 2050 just by using technologies commercially available today. That is the word from a new report from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Renewable Electricity Futures Study (RE Futures). The report offers a detailed focus on the extent to which U.S. electricity needs can be supplied by renewable energy sources, including biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, and wind.
Another interesting use of organic waste that really saves the environment. Indiana farm moo-ving with clean transport energy
8 April 2013
A farm in Indiana, US has begun fuelling its fleet of 42 tractor-trailers by re-using the cattle dung it collects on-site.
Fair Oaks Farms (FOF) has around 30,000 cows as part of its operation and it has a $12 million (€9.2 million) digester on its property that converts their manure, and that of pigs, into natural gas. The business used to simply convert into CHP for its barns and other structures but now some of it is used to keep the fleet on the roads.
‘As long as we keep milking cows, we never run out of gas," FOF CEO Gary Corbett was quoted as saying. ‘The switch to cow power saves us from using 2 million gallons of diesel fuel a year and the US Department of Energy believes this to be the largest fleet powered by agricultural waste currently in operation in this country.’
The overall bioenergy project began in June 2011when FOF contracted Clean Energy to build two fuelling stations. The project received financial backing from grants from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Indiana Office of Energy Development.
A study on the project by the Innovation Centre for US also says the FOF system captures 98% of methane emissions produced.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faHA00Ue9_g&feature=youtu.be Using a 3D printer in an oily solution, researchers assembled tiny water droplets into a jelly-like material that can flex like a muscle and transmit electric signals like chains of neurons.
The public health community has learned a lot about what motivates people to change behavior -- and what doesn't. Climate hawks, listen up.
Food for thought on how to change the "climate terror campaigns" whch create terror and fear ,huge government fix it monopolies and little else ? Interesting comparison from public health experiences Worth reading .
Using a combination of 258,048 parabolic mirrors and the one powerful Arabian desert sun, Shams 1, the new 100-megawatt concentrated solar power plant just southwest of Abu Dhabi, is now cranking out power.
Idea of the Day...Don't stifle creativity by penalizing those who work hard and make honest mistakes, says one-time presidential hopeful Henry Ross Perot. “I want people moving and shaking the earth and they are going to make mistakes.”
Simple works best
meets objectives
plastic made with heat and processed oil
recycle waste plastic back into oil
why pay to bury it when you can use it again ?
It is not waste it is a resource that has not been properly used .Think outside of the box please.